故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,32&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁323-326&*古時中原政權與四方民族多有往來交涉,職貢圖為描述至中國朝貢的邊疆民族與外邦使者的紀實圖像。全卷十幅經由描繪「吐蕃」等諸國使臣,呈現外域衣冠制度與風土方物。 李公麟(西元一○四九-一一○六年),字伯時,號龍眠居士,廬州舒城(今安徽舒城)人。神宗朝進士,以白描人物著世。此件舊傳為李公麟所作,然從畫風看,應是十七世紀前後的仿古作品。(20110405)&* In ancient times the rulers of China often conducted affairs with surrounding and other states and peoples. “Illustrations of official tribute” serve as visual records of foreign and neighboring peoples and emissaries who sent tribute to China. This handscroll with ten paintings depicts “barbarian” emissaries from other countries, revealing the customs, objects, and peoples with their foreign dress and objects. Li Gonglin (style name Boshi, sobriquet Longmian jushi) was a native of Shecheng, Luzhou (modern Shecheng, Anhui). A Presented Scholar (jinshi) under Emperor Shenzong, at first he achieved fame painting horses but later for baimiao (ink outline) figures. Judging from the style, this work is probably a 17th-century imitation.(20110405)